Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Am I crazy or what? That's what a well-meaning friend asked me when I explained that I'm trying to get a film crew to come with me on Sat. 4/27 to an ex-concentration camp on California soil known as "Manzanar" ("Could you spell that, please?" he asked) only 8 hours RT and we'll probably stand around in the burning sun near Death Valley, trying to shoot the speakers on stage, interview World War II vets and internees, and follow them through the new museum which will never forget the unjust "jailing" of ordinary American citizens who happened to look like "The Enemy." Okay, okay. I said that's okay. Never mind. I'll go by myself and take a still camera since I can't get a camera person lined up. But now the sound guy who said yes, is saying YES again. Hmmmm...Has the Fat Lady sung yet? No money yet. No way of getting there...but Hope. Hope. Hope.

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